That’s our team.

Our team is diver­si­fied, with sev­er­al years of expe­ri­ence in advo­ca­cy, busi­ness and judi­cia­ry. We have dif­fer­ent strengths and com­ple­ment each oth­er in terms of exper­tise, so that we can cov­er your legal needs in var­i­ous fields of law. Due to our size, we can fur­ther ensure close, per­son­al atten­tion to our clients. We seek solu­tions for you, tak­ing a prag­mat­ic, effi­cient and solu­­tion-ori­en­t­ed approach. If nec­es­sary, we rep­re­sent you in court – deter­mined and com­mit­ted.

Stefan Wehrenberg
Ste­fan Wehren­berg
Attor­ney at Law | Part­ner
Admitted to the bar
Moritz Müller
Moritz Müller
Attor­ney at Law | Asso­ciate
Admitted to the bar
Lorian Hajdini
Lori­an Haj­di­ni
Attor­ney at Law | Asso­ciate
Admitted to the bar
Nathalie Ruch
Nathalie Ruch
Para­le­gal | Assis­tant
Not admitted to the bar
We are pleased to be at your ser­vice.

We are always at your ser­vice for all your needs. We val­ue a per­son­al approach to our clients and are high­ly com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing you. We define mutu­al strate­gies and strive to find effi­cient solu­tions for your con­cerns in a solu­­tion-ori­en­t­ed man­ner.

Contact us