Our pro­file.

We have broad expe­ri­ence and exper­tise in white-col­lar crime, con­tract law and admin­is­tra­tive law. In these areas of law, we sup­port you both with­in and out­side of court pro­ceed­ings and rep­re­sent you when deal­ing with all author­i­ties and courts in Switzer­land.

White-col­lar crim­i­nal law
A crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion is always a bur­den for those affect­ed and is often cou­pled with a high degree of uncer­tain­ty. In such a dis­tress­ing sit­u­a­tion and in view of the severe con­se­quences, it is advis­able to seek legal sup­port and advice as ear­ly as pos­si­ble.
Con­tract law
Con­tracts are present every­where: employ­ment con­tracts, rental agree­ments and pur­chase agree­ments are part of our every­day lives. By sign­ing a con­tract, we deter­mine in a legal­ly bind­ing way which rights and oblig­a­tions we have.
Admin­is­tra­tive law
The legal bond between the state and indi­vid­u­als is char­ac­ter­ized by one-sided, author­i­ta­tive acts. The state plays a supe­ri­or role, be it with regard to nat­u­ral­iza­tions, tax bills or grants of build­ing per­mits.
Inter­na­tionales Strafrecht
Strafrechtliche Prob­leme machen oft nicht halt vor Lan­des­gren­zen, wodurch kom­plexe Kon­stel­la­tio­nen und schwierige Zuständigkeits­fra­gen entste­hen kön­nen. In dieser Sit­u­a­tion ist es wichtig, Ver­fahren zu koor­dinieren. Wir ver­fü­gen über die notwendi­gen Kon­tak­te, die Ihnen im Aus­land weit­er­helfen kön­nen.
We are pleased to be at your ser­vice.

We are always at your ser­vice for all your needs. We val­ue a per­son­al approach to our clients and are high­ly com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing you. We define mutu­al strate­gies and strive to find effi­cient solu­tions for your con­cerns in a solu­­tion-ori­en­t­ed man­ner.

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